Post-publication Critique

 | Post date: 2024/01/6 | 
Function and Disability Journal as a member of Iran University of Medical Sciences, is committed to apply Post-publication Critique, based on the COPE guidelines. You may find the journal’s Post-publication critique policies, here.
Post-publication critiques provide a mechanism for readers to raise concerns or seek clarification about published content. Critiques may provide an alternative interpretation of the original content and they allow journals to engage in issues relevant to their research community. They also represent an opportunity for journals to present a scholarly and constructive exchange about issues important to their readership. During the editorial handling process of critiques, the original authors of the work are given the opportunity to reply to help facilitate discourse. Through publication of such commentary and exchanges, readers can also be made aware of further developments and arguments that advance a field of research. Therefore, a default position for a journal should be to consider critiques for publication if they are found to be constructive and useful to the community.
In accordance with COPE guidelines, FDJ allows for post-publication discussion on its own website, through letters to the editor or on an external moderated site. Post-publication discussion typically starts with a reader’s critique of an article that a journal has previously published. When formally submitted for journal publication, such critiques are known as ‘letters to the editor’, ‘in FDJ. After a formal critique is received, FDJ editors invite the original authors of the critiqued article to write a ‘response’ or ‘reply’. Furthermore, both critique and response may be peer reviewed and revised, and, if accepted and published, are indexed by our FDJ’s bibliographic databases. How to handle responses to post-publication critiques is also considered in this guidance document.

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